How many shines are in Delfino Plaza?
I'm curious to know, how many shines can one find in Delfino Plaza? Is there a specific count or is it an ever-changing number depending on various factors? Have there been any recent changes or updates to the number of shines available in the Plaza? I'm eager to understand more about this aspect of Delfino Plaza and how it relates to the overall gameplay experience.

How many blue coins does Delfino Plaza have?
Excuse me, could you possibly clarify something for me? I'm curious about the Delfino Plaza and their holdings of a specific type of coin. Specifically, I'm wondering, just how many blue coins does Delfino Plaza currently possess? I'm trying to get a better understanding of their financial standing and the assets they hold, so this information would be incredibly valuable to me. Thank you for your time and assistance in answering this query.